SOLD! Family owned Bus company in Western Melbourne, charters, school runs, excursions
Ideal husband-and-wife operation or as bolt-on to existing business. Adjusted income to owner for the business component being offered was $179,000 when averaged over 2 yrs.
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Type: B
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SOLD! Family owned Bus company in Western Melbourne, charters, school runs, excursions
Sale includes all existing contract work and future bookings, website/email, phone numbers, prepaid advertising. Vehicle fleet is not included but can be purchased separately, either in total or individually.
VENDOR FINANCE is available to approved purchaser under a “Vendor Terms” contract with 10% deposit paid and at an interest rate to be negotiated.
- Regular Ongoing Contract Work
- Domestic Charter Work
- Guided Tours
- Self-Drive Buses
- Business is Relocatable (no commitment to current location)
- Vendor Finance Available
Vehicle fleet is by separate negotiation, purchaser can select which they want (if any!)
If required Vendor will provide 6 months assistance with changeover. (Remuneration to be agreed)
Being a small company and utilising casual but regular drivers the owner can be very flexible in how the business is operated.
It will suit an established operator, or provide the perfect opportunity for someone to enter the industry with minimum risk.
It is relocatable, has been established for many years with a reputation for reliability and service. Much of the contract work is school-bus work, satisfied clients have renewed contracts regularly.
Also has an excellent relationship with service clubs and social groups for outings such as picnics and winery tours etc.
Asking Price: $275,000, (excludes vehicle fleet)
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