SOLD! Wholesaler to Hardware Stores and Service Stations – Business For Sale
Revenue of $1.5m pa - Profits $125k to the owner - Sale price $155,000
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Type: B
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SOLD! Wholesaler to Hardware Stores and Service Stations – Business For Sale
The business was started by the current owners 25 years ago, sourcing products locally to supply the fencing industry. Since then it has expanded and become one of the largest wholesale suppliers to service stations and hardware stores.
The business operates from a modern and well presented showroom/warehouse in South West Sydney.
Operated as a family business, they also employ 2 additional staff being a sales rep and storeman to assist with the day to day operations.
- 25 years success in business
- Great supplier relationships with some agreements in place
- 5 day a week business
- Low stock requirement $80K- $100K
- Great main road location
- Reliable staff
- Very reasonable rent on premises
The owners will do what is required to ensure a smooth and seamless transition to the new owner. This will include training in all areas of the business and assistance formulating a business plan for future growth. The owner is also happy to consider ongoing consulting to assist the new owner implement a growth strategy.
This business has all the fundamentals in place as a platform for future growth. There are several areas a new owner may consider including expanding product lines, importing new ranges and expanding the customer base.
Asking Price: $155,000 plus SAV between $80K-$100K.
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